Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Bob Dylan Sent me a message!

I saw this on princess crafts and thought it was pretty cool. So I had to make my own. hehe

So nice of Bob to help spread the word!

Try it for yourself here


Cheryl said...

Oh my goodness, that's hilarious! I want one...if only I can find the time to make one! So cool.

Thanks for the kind words on my mini-kit; I am very underconfident as a designer.

Rachel said...

Oh hummie! It only takes about a minute...I put up the link if you want to try.
when it comes to designing i try to remember were are all in different stages. I sometimes drool and get discouraged when I see some of the amazing stuff others come up. then I just remind myself that it takes time and patience. i'll get there someday.
As for your designs, your welcome! dont be underconfident. if it excites you it will excite others as well!