Welcome to the Friday Filter Challenge! This week I challenge you to try out your diffuse glow filter.


Once there you can adjust the settings. Click ok and your done. Of course if you don't like how it turned out you can always click undo. Isn't digital great!
I've been racking my brain trying to figure out why or what you might do with a different color glow. It took me a while to find something I kinda liked. Here is my little experiment.
Here is my original photo
I used a shade of pink as my background color. And a soft glow.
I ended up with this.
I thought that was a little too harsh so I reduced the opacity to 73%. The original being the bottom layer.
Final Photo
Think that's a pretty cool effect. I'm not sure how often I would use it, but I'd love to see what you come up with!
Wanna join the challenge and share your ideas? Simply leave a comment with a link to your photo.
Have a great weekend!
Check out what others did with this filter
Wow! I love what you've done to thses photos. It come out really well. the effect is wonderful! I dont think I can do it.
I am SO impressed by this post! It really inspired me to play with this and I look forward to your next challenges.
Now, to encourage my Yahoo group to come join you!
Thanks so much for joining the challenge Hummie! I love what you did!
Thanks! and of course you can!
I finally did this challenge, awhile back, but wanted to wait until tonight to post it! My diffuse glow crow is here.
Thank you so much for the instruction.
Hey I'd like to congratulate you for such a terrific made site!
Was thinking this would be a nice way to introduce myself!
Edwyn Sammy
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